This newsletter covers some of the activities that have been completed since July 2023 on behalf of the 1894 Sioux Nation Treaty Council (SNTC).
BRICS and the United Nations
In the last Newsletter, it was mentioned that the United Nations (UN) was faltering along with the American dollar. The United States (U.S.) has been the domineering power in the world since the end of World War Two, nearly 78 years ago. However, with the current international situations evolving, and the wars in Ukraine, Palestine (Gaza), and other places, a number of nations are forming alliances as they consider the UN ineffective in its ability to maintain world peace or diplomatically settle conflicts as was its purpose.
A Multilateralism Index was completed which is attached. In that research, the United States rates last in maintaining the purposes of the United Nations. If people would remember history, or at least western European and US history, they would know that it was the US that pushed for the establishment of the United Nations. (For us, Native Americans, we need to remember that Eleanor Roosevelt wanted independence for all the territories at that time EXCEPT for Native American nations.)
Also, for many of the past decades, world economics and trade have been conducted in the American dollar. Now the situation is changing. Some of the Alliances are trading with each other using currency other than the American dollar. This is weakening the domineering power of the United States. BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. These are some of the largest nation-states in the world, and they have formed an Alliance for economic reasons. Their Alliance began forming in 2014 so it is not that new. However, now, with the U.S. exposing itself for its colonizing behavior with Israel and the Ukraine by providing military equipment, munitions, money and soldiers to fight for Israel or the Ukraine against the wishes of the other member-States of the UN, more nations in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are joining BRICS. BRICS hopes to continue with the mandate of the UN only without the domineering behavior of a few nation-States such as the U.S.
For us, this means learning what BRICS will do regarding Indigenous Nations such as ours. China introduced the UN General Assembly Resolution 48/7 in 2021 condemning the negative results of colonialism. Hopefully, as we keep presenting our case to the United Nations, the diplomats from BRICS will also consider our situation. We sent a letter on Sept. 12, 2023, to Antonio Gutteres, Secretary-General, United Nations, and also sent a copy to 188 member nation-States directly to their UN addresses. No letters were returned. In the past we’ve sent letters to their diplomatic addresses in New York City only to have many returned. It would be better to hand-deliver such letters lest the U.S. intervene and confiscate our mail, however, that is very costly.
KLND RADIO on the Standing Rock Reservation
On Thursday mornings for the past few months, KLND Radio 89.5 FM in Little Eagle, SD, on the Standing Rock Reservation, has been having a couple of hours of discussions about various topics. Simetimes KILI Radio at Pine Ridge carries the program too. As a Spokesperson and elder, I and another elder, Dr. Edward Valandra, from the Rosebud Reservation have been asked to participate. The program is called Oyate Washagwichaya or “Strengthening the People.” If you have access to a computer or smartphone, you might be able to listen to some of the discussions on Thursday morning. A lot of interesting information is being shared including about BRICS and the International work.
September International Meeting in Phoenix, AZ
At our Dec. 2021 Meeting, as stated in our Report, we had visitors from Tonatierra in Phoenix, AZ, the Yacqui Nation in Mexico and also from the Western Shoshone Defense Project in Nevada. One of the issues we talked about was joining forces together on some common issues. In March of 2022, we issued a Statement in a Press Release also joined by the Mapuche Nation from South America. Our concern was the proposed diminishment of our International Treaty rights through the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples trying to push International treaties under the domestic laws of the U.S. and Canada. We agreed to continue meeting to discuss ways to protect our Treaties and other issues from diminishment by various UN committees, and to support efforts that strengthen our independence from the colonizing governments and freedom as nations. (All of this information was sent to you in previous reports.)
As all of our Indigenous nations recognize the celestial holy days which are called the Fall and Spring Equinox and Winter and Summer Solstice, it is during these times that our prayers are very strong. Our Indigenous nations collectively recognize the power of prayer. Therefore, we have tried to schedule meetings during these times when we can pray together also.
We attended an International Indigenous Nations meeting in Phoenix, AZ, on Sept. 23-25, 2023, with four main purposes: making allies; introducing the book, Indigenous Nations Rights in the Balance, in Spanish; planning collaborations; and praying together during the Fall Butterfly Sun. We attended four Indigenous prayer ceremonies. There were approximately ten Indigenous nations in attendance from the Southwest, northern Mexico, and Guatemala. A Representative from New Zealand joined via Zoom at the last meeting. The Spokesperson gave a two-hour presentation on the book with a translator. The presentation was live-streamed to many others. More Indigenous people need to know how we were all betrayed at the UN. This will help us in the future as the Spanish speaking diplomats at the UN also need to know so they can make more informed decisions. Unlike those of us occupied by the U.S., the Indigenous populations in many of the Central and South American nation-States are in the majority. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the people of Guatemala are Native. We will have more help at the International level with more people knowing who we are, that we are still here (many think we are extinct), and what happened at the UN that affects all of us.
Tupac Enrique Acosta
Unfortunately, one of our strongest supporters and ally, Tupac Enrique Acosta, was very ill during our visit. He was the one who set up the meeting. Tupac went home on Nov. 9th. We did not get to plan more collaborations as he was only able to attend the meetings and events for short amounts of time. He was the final expert in the translation of the book and was hoping it could reach all areas of Spanish speaking Natives. (All royalties received go to assist the work of the SNTC.) He is greatly missed.
The Bielecki Report
You might have noticed that our letterhead is now the ‘1894 Sioux Nation Treaty Council’ (SNTC). For years it was ‘the Sioux Nation Treaty Council established in 1894’. This new version was recommended as being shorter and more distinct. The Bielecki Report which came out in October, 2008, is available on our website, and describes the SNTC as follows:
“Various historians have determined that the “Sioux Nation Treaty Council” formally formed in 1894, shortly after the Wounded Knee massacre. The Sioux Nation Treaty Council represents all of the Sioux Tribes (Approx. 49 Tribes), and all other Sioux Treaty Councils would be subordinate to it, regardless of the Treaty Council’s name.”
If you wish a hard copy of the Bielecki Report, please email your request with your mailing address, or send a letter with your address and a copy will be sent to you. Otherwise, the Report is available online at
Essays and Editorials
Finally, I have been asked to write about various aspects of our system of justice, our History, the role of women, and most recently about who we are as a nation. Sometimes I submit them to the various Newspapers and they’re published as Editorials. The most recent one was “We are a nation.” The reason it is enclosed is because a lot of our people are confused about our status as a nation, especially the young people. Feel free to copy the essay and distribute it as you wish.
If you would like a copy of the Justice essay, the History essay, the role of Women as Leaders, or want to learn about the Kahtela Society, just let me know and I can email, or send a hard copy.
Respectfully submitted by Charmaine White Face, Spokesperson
Zumila Wobaga, Itancan